Search Reddit threads on relationship dysfunction, and you will find conversations having to do with partners 'waking up' to the fact that the person they share a life, a project, or a business with has systematically 'gaslit' you in the relationship - To the tune of "I don't know how to do that", or "you do it so well, please continue", or "you should do (the majority) of the chores, just because". Weaponized Incompetence occurs when one person pretends (or may truly believe) to be incapable of some basic adult tasks, putting the chore burden on their partner. If you realize you have been taken advantage of by weaponized incompetence, it is time to work towards balance for yourself. Don't expect your partner to willingly take on their share of duties, but also don't get passive aggressive yourself. State your case, define and enforce your boundaries, and deal with pushback from your deadbeat partner. - By Dr. Molly Allen, PsyD
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