While some of the signs are easy to spot, such as difficulty concentrating, trouble staying on-task, or always needing to move/fidget, many of the signs go unrecognized and undiagnosed – especially among women.
Some other less-recognized signs of ADHD include:
- Relationship problems
- Difficulty staying organized
- Trouble paying attention to conversations
- Uncontrollable emotions (anger, sadness, excitement, etc.)
- Hyperfocusing
- Difficulty with motivation
- Thrill-seeking or need for stimulation
- And more
To make matters more complicated, many of the signs of ADHD also overlap with symptoms of anxiety, depression, and even trauma. No matter what you (or your child) might be struggling with, Wichita Psychology is here to help.
727 N. Waco, Suite 255
Wichita KS 67203
p 316.260.4587
f 316.260.4676
Hours - Open by appointment
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