As an experienced professional, or a senior worker in your department, you may find yourself in a position of guiding someone new into their role. This relationship can be rewarding to both of you, and it can last quite awhile. The level of positive of regard deepens, and you find yourself feeling appropriate ffection. Changes in your relationship can and should proceed. When the 'mentee' no longer needs the mentor, it is best if both persons recognize the growth their relationship has given them. Don't ruin the arrangement by misplaced resentment or anger. Look back with fondness at the bonds formed, and the wisdom shared. Appropriate love has been enjoyed, and now the one who was once a 'newbie' can now go on to become a mentor to others. The circle of professional life continues. Thoughts on Leadership
727 N. Waco, Suite 255
Wichita KS 67203
p 316.260.4587
f 316.260.4676
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