Psychotherapy or counseling with kids is different than how we, as psychologists, work with adults. Kids approach the world through experiences - primarily play, and their needs for reassurance have to do with basics, such as safety, trust, and warmth. Adults have those needs to, but adults often can use their verbal skills to discuss and work through their issues. Kids need a more basic environment. If you take your kid to a therapist, and you hear that they mainly played 'Hungry, hungry hippo', don't assume that you are wasting your time and money on a play date. Instead, your child's thearpist is likely helping your child achieve a sense of security, and work through their issues, by the language of kids - play. For more information:
Dr. Byron Norton - Family Psychological Services of Greeley CO
727 N. Waco, Suite 255
Wichita KS 67203
p 316.260.4587
f 316.260.4676
Hours - Open by appointment
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